P.A.R.T…Y? Cause we gotta!

Birthdays. Not just a 365 day trip journey around the sun it is the central date in each of little ones lives and a precious event for us all to embrace and cherish with out family and friends. However as the years go on and the themes and obsessions become more and more apparent, getting it right is paramount. With Disney and Pixar everywhere you turn, it’s likely that there will come a time where you frantically look for a Frozen outfit, a Toy Story party set, or even a cake with a Minion on it. Luckily for me my 5 year old is still into all things cars as much as he was since he could palmers grasp one. So my first thought was a go-kart or racing party. Initially I was disheartened, as most tracks have a minimum age of 8, but better still I found the Go-Kart Party franchise that cater for children aged 4-9 years. (www.go-kartpartyeastlondon.co.uk) The inflatable track come to YOUR choice of venue, the karts are designed for a younger age and for me it ticked all the boxes. The kids zoom around in groups of 4 do a few laps until the next group come on. So my next hurdle…what the hell do I do with eager beaver, sugar induced 5 year olds waiting for their turn?? Answer: throw in a bouncy castle, some soft play and a tattoo stand (for the real hard nut racer look) and bob’s your uncle. So the party worked as a rotation, everyone had a go on everything as if it was a little circuit in itself. Happy boy, happy friends and of course as a result = HAPPY MUM. I thoroughly recommend for boys and girls alike 😉

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